Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to Prove That Payment Has

Been Made Regarding Your

Property Selling?

A real estate deal is definitely not a small deal. It is definitely among the biggest deal which you will ever come across. A middle class man signs such deal only once in his lifetime. Hence it is definitely a must to make sure that you keep with you all the proof of the payment which you make. Well, the biggest proof of the payments made by you is the bill of sale.

The seller will definitely provide you with the bill of sale and you should make sure that you keep a copy of it always. If you will lose it then you will not have any proof about the payment and the other party will definitely try to cheat you. Well, bill of sale is important for both the parties who sign it.

Sample Late Payment

Explanation Letter

You have to keep the record of the payment made by you and the expenses. This is extremely important. Your chartered accountant might ask you to submit all the details about your expenses. In such cases you will be required to present it.The property will be yours only after making the payment. At the time of registration you will have to prove that you have made the payment.

For this purpose you will require this document.Well, you might question that how will you be able to prove that you have made the payment through it. Hence you should know how the bill of sale proves that you are the payee and you have paid that much amount.You should know that the buyer and the seller details are clearly mentioned on the bill of sale.

Make Sure You Are Secure With Online Payments

This is extremely important for you to keep in mind. Suppose you are the seller and you have received $100000 from the buyer then it will definitely be mentioned on it that you have been paid this much amount. You need to understand this fact.Hence it clearly proves that who has bought the property and who has sold the property? It clearly states that what amount has been received as well.

Thus if you want to prove that you have paid this much amount of money on behalf of any property then you can put forward the bill of sale. It will definitely be a proof that you have bought the property or you have sold the property as well. This will be good for you and also good for everybody else.
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Sunday, January 3, 2010


PayPal founded in the year 1998 is one of the most popular payment processing agents online today. With the help of PayPal we can pay and receive money on the web easily. Due to its security and easy transaction facilities it has become hugely popular. Then in the year 2002 it was acquired by eBay, the most famous online shopping place on the web today.

EBay PayPal is now a huge force to conquer by any player in the market today.It can now be used in 190 countries and in 19 currencies, that is one reason why it has now over 150 million active users at any point of time. Using rhis service you can shop in some of the most popular online shopping sites like eBay, Neweggs, OverStock, Walmart etc. As of today it is the global leader in online payment processing area.

It has won many awards and recognitions for their service.It's easy to get an account in PayPal. You just have to go to their site and get registered and then verify your details with the help of a credit card. And then you are ready to get started with this service and make online transactions. As of today PayPal is the largest used payment processing agent at eBay which gets more than a million hits every day.

The money that you pay using it is very safe and gets instantly delivered. For receiving funds into your PayPal you need to bear a minimal fee. You have the facility to do and check a lot of details when you log into your account. So what are you still waiting for? Go ahead and get started with eBay PayPal now itself.
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